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Our Seeds program gives financial grants to producers and producer organizations we work with to implement social and environmental sustainability projects they identify as beneficial.

Income Diversification at the Kamavindi Estate

In 2015, Kamavindi owner Peter Mbature recieved a Seeds grant for 600 macadamia nut trees. The trees, which produce an annual crop, were not for him and his family, but for workers at Kamavindi and surrounding estates. Knowing that the seasonal wages the farmworkers received were not enough to fully support their families, Peter wanted to provide an additional source of income. Working with a local company who provided the seedlings and training, Peter distributed trees to 52 households in the area and plans to expand the program going forward.

Teacher Housing at Baroida

Recognizing the strong tie between their farm and the surrounding villages, the Colbran family, owners of Baroida in Papua New Guinea, built a school on their property in 2009 to support the neighboring coffee growing communities. In order to attract teachers to the area, the Colbrans needed somewhere for teachers to live near the school. In 2015, they received a Seeds grant to build teacher housing and are now providing access to education for the families that work on their farm and live in the surrounding community.

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